If you had attended the Clementi Middle School * in Hong Kong M1 in September 1964, M2 in September 1965, M3 in September 1966, M4 in September 1967, M5 in September 1968 or M6 ** in September 1969 please do feel free to contact us. Please feel free to re-connect to the rest of the class, drop us a email. If you had left us before or after M5, your actual date or any other education institution(s) of your graduation is no longer relevant. If you joined us at M6 **, please feel free to join our group to get acquinted and get announcements/updates. The school has no apartheid policies on the M6 ** new recruits. This webpage is designed as a search engine enabled location and running on a compact set of programs. 如閣下在 1964 年 9 月在香港金文泰中學中一肆業,1965 年 9 月在中二, 1966 年 9 月在中三, 1967 年 9 月在中四, 1968 年 9 月在中五, 1969 年 9 月在中六 **... 請用電郵與其他同學連絡。 不論閣下有沒有在金文泰中學畢業,或是中六那年參與,都請儘快與我們聯絡。 香港的中文中學不一定是以中五為官方畢業年份,如閣下在其他中學畢業或其他年份都不成問題。 本網頁設計以聯絡同學為主,只提供基本資料以減少上載/下載用量。 |